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发表时间:2024-03-05 阅读次数:1131次

International Congress on Fracture-The World Academy on Structural Integrity(ICF-WASI)

The aim of the International Congress on Fracture (ICF) is to foster research in the mechanics and phenomena of fracture, fatigue, and strength of materials. Such research will enable the development of more failure resistant materials and the development of better design methods that lead to safer structures. Further aims are to promote international cooperation among scientists and engineers in the field, and to foster integration of the many disciplines involved in such an inherently multidisciplinary field. ICF provides means whereby results of such efforts may be publicly communicated, including its congress held every 4 years.


ICF became more than a conference organiser and rather a society for the broad field of structural integrity, fracture, fatigue, creep, corrosion and reliability – from biological to geophysical materials: metals, alloys, ceramics, composites, electronic and natural materials. The scope evolved through ICF1-ICF15 from nano to macro scales, from basic science, engineering and mathematics to practical technology and systems modelling for safe design.


At an ICF Interquadrennial Conference in Anaheim, California, May 2011, ICF was renamed “ICF: The World Academy of Structural Integrity”.


ICF-WASI is governed by a Council which comprises members from each member nation, with one nation one vote. The Council meets once every four years at each ICF-WASI Quadrennial. Council delegates the management of ICF-WASI to a President and an Executive Committee.



国际断裂学会(International Congress on Fracture,简称ICF)于1969年正式成立,是促进世界范围内从事断裂力学、断裂机理和固体强度研究的科学家和工程师之间合作的主要国际组织之一,首任主席为Takeo Yokobori教授。该组织现有近百个国家和地区的断裂学会(或组织)参加,是国际理论与应用力学联合会(IUTAM)的成员。2011年, ICF更名为“ICF:世界结构完整性学会

第一届国际断裂大会(International Conference on Fracture,亦简称ICF)于1965年在日本仙台召开。国际断裂大会每四年召开一届,迄今已在英、德、加、法、印、美、乌、澳、意、中、希等国举办14次。自1977年ICF4会议起我国代表连续参加了历届大会。其中,ICF13于2013年在北京召开,由中国力学学会、香港断裂组、中国机械工程学会、中国材料研究学会、中国腐蚀与防护学会、中国航空学会、中国金属学会、中国结构完整性联盟联合承办。ICF16将于2027年在澳大利亚墨尔本举行,会议重点关注断裂领域的最新跨学科研究。


网址链接:https://www.icfweb.org/site/ (ICF-WASI)