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发表时间:2024-03-05 阅读次数:2521次

European Structural Integrity Society(ESIS)

ESIS is a non-profit organisation based in Europe and run by the Executive Committee that is instructed by and responsible to a Council of delegates representing each European and non European Country (or Group of Countries) affiliated to the Society, as well as the Technical Committee chair-persons.


The aim of ESIS is to develop and extend knowledge in all aspects of Structural Integrity and disseminating that knowledge world-wide with the objective of improving the safety and performance of engineering equipment, individual components and structures.


In order to achieve the objectives of the Society, it shall do something alone or in cooperation with other bodies. The Society convenes Technical Committees, which will address the major technical issues of the day, and holds regular meetings addressing special technical issues under the auspices of the Technical Committees.A major international conference is held every second year, on all aspects of Structural Integrity and Fracture, which is known as the European Conference on Fracture (ECF), under the organisation of a different national delegation to ESIS, as decided by Council.


The Society cooperates with other bodies associated with structural integrity issues, in particular, standardisation bodies such as: the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM), European Committee for Standardization (Comité Européen de Normalisation-CEN), International Standards Organization (ISO), and Versailles Agreement on Materials and Standards (VAMAS).



欧洲结构完整性学会(European Structural Integrity Society,简称ESIS)正式成立于1978年,当时被称为欧洲断裂工作组(European Group on Fracture简称EGF),首任主席是Dominique Francois教授。九十年代中期,在时任主席的Keith Miller教授等人的提议下,EGF改名为ESIS。该组织旨在研究结构完整性方面的知识并进行推广,以提高工程设备、部件和结构的安全和性能。

ESIS每两年举行一次关于结构完整性和断裂问题的国际会议,即欧洲断裂大会(European Conference on Fracture,简称ECF),自1976年在法国举行第一届ECF起,至今已在欧洲各国举办了22次大会。ECF24将于2024826日至830日在克罗地亚举行,旨在讨论实验和理论中的断裂力学、疲劳、结构完整性评估、失效分析以及该领域其他重要主题的当前和未来趋势,会议主席为Željko Božić教授。
