ISSI2015 - High-temperature Structural Integrity of Nickel-based Alloy Components
Call for Paper
2015 International Symposium on Structural Integrity (ISSI-2015) will be held on May 16-19th, 2015, at Shenyang, China. The main theme of the symposium is the High-temperature Structural Integrity of Nickel-based Alloy Components.
TOPICS: With an appropriate size of the participants, emphases will be placed on the subjects of Structural Integrity Solutions. Contributions are welcome in the following areas:
*Aero-engine hot end component material and performance;
*Environmental effects on fatigue, creep and fracture behavior;
*Description of complex stress state and loading history;
*Constitutive models for damage evaluation;
*Failure analysis of structures and components;
*Non-destructive testing and evaluation;
*Structural health monitoring.
*Standard and code practices.
PAPER: A full paper (or an abstract) should be submitted onto http://issi2015.china-sic.net before March 31, 2015.
VENUE: Greenland Primus Hotel, Qipan Mountain, Shenyang, China.
Deadline for submission of paper (full size or abstract)--------------------March 31, 2015;
Notification of acceptance of the paper-----------------------------------------April 20, 2015;
Conference registration-------------------------------------------------------------May 16, 2015.
INFORMATION: Registration fee will be 500 USD (Students with a reduced registration fee of 300 USD). The registration fee covers admission to all technical sessions, refreshment breaks, banquet and conference dinners, but not accommodation.ISSI-2015 Conference information will be shown at the conference website: http://issi2015.china-sic.net.
Symposium Series Chairman
Prof. Shan-Tung Tu
East China University of Science and Technology
Shanghai 200237, China
Phone: +86-21-64253425
E-mail: sttu@ecust.edu.cn
ISSI-2015 Executive Chairman
Prof. Feng Liu
Liaoning Shihua University
Fushun 113001, China
Phone: +86 13604130888 (mobile phone)
E-mail: Liuf20000@163.com