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发表时间:2022-12-10 阅读次数:1233次

2023 International Symposium on Structural Integrity and 17th International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment (ISSI2023–ESIA17)


The China Structural Integrity Consortium's flagship 2023 International Symposium on Structural Integrity (ISSI2023) will be held on May 22–25, 2023 in conjunction with FESI's flagship 17th International Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment Conference (ESIA17). The venue is The Lowry which is situated in the heart of Greater Manchester's dynamic new waterfront development MediaCityUK, Salford. An international hub for innovation and technology, the complex is named after the iconic local artist Laurence Stephen Lowry (1887–1976).



Each of the four days will commence with a series of plenary presentations by internationally recognised speakers, drawn from the industry, business and academic communities.

We invite oral and poster presentations from designers, manufacturers, operators and users, regulators, academia, technology support, and supply chain organisations. These relate to the assurance of structural integrity in relation to safe, economic and reliable solutions across the engineering structural integrity communities with their associated environmental impact. Please submit an abstract.

A template for Abstracts can be downloaded from the FESI website (https://www.fesi.org.uk/events/esia17-issi2023/). Abstracts should be sent by email to the FESI Office (sue.lowe@fesi.org.uk) and to the chair of the relevant parallel session. The parallel sessions and email addresses of the chairs are as follows: 

 >>Advanced Manufacturing and Joining Methods

  Dr. Chinnapat Panwisawas, Queen Mary University of London (c.panwisawas@qmul.ac.uk)

  Dr. Yu Zhou, Hefei General Machinery Research Institute Co. Ltd. (zhouyu@hgmri.com)

 >>Advanced Reactor Technologies

  Dr. Yi-Qiang Wang, UKAEA (yiqiang.wang@ukaea.uk)

 >>Advanced Surface Technology

  Prof. Cong Li, Changsha University of Science & Technology (liconghntu@csust.edu.cn)


  Prof. Vadim Silberschmidt, Loughborough University (v.silberschmidt@lboro.ac.uk)

 >>Codes and Standards

  Dr. Yin Jin Janin, TWI Ltd (yin.jin.janin@twi.co.uk)

  Dr. Gui-Yi Wu, Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials (guiyi.wu@ceamat.com)


  Dr. Mike Anderson, Frazer-Nash Consultancy (m.anderson@fnc.co.uk)

 >>Environmentally Assisted Cracking

  Dr. Alan Turnbull, National Physical Laboratory (alan.turnbull@npl.co.uk)

  Dr. Qun-Jia Peng, Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute (qunjiapeng@163.com)

 >>Fatigue, Creep and Fracture

  Prof. Jian-Ming Gong, Nanjing Tech University (gongjm@njtech.edu.cn)

  Prof. Xu Chen, Tianjin University (xchen@tju.edu.cn)

  Prof. Jian-Feng Wen, East China University of Science and Technology (jfwen@ecust.edu.cn)


  Prof. Jian-Ying He, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (jianying.he@ntnu.no)

  Prof. Milos B Djukic, University of Belgrade (mdjukic@mas.bg.ac.rs)

  Prof. Emilio Martínez-Pañeda, Imperial College London (e.martinez-paneda@imperial.ac.uk)

 >>Indentation Test and Its Application

  Prof. Wei-Qiang Wang, Shandong University (wqwang@sdu.edu.cn)

  Prof. Ming Liu, Fuzhou University (mingliu@fzu.edu.cn)

 >>Neutron and Synchrotron X-ray

  Dr. Rui-Yao Zhang, Centre of Excellence for Advanced Materials (ruiyao.zhang@ceamat.com)

 >>Probabilistics and Big Data

  Prof. John Stairmand, Jacobs (john.stairmand@jacobs.com)

  Prof. Wei-Ya Jin, Zhejiang University of Technology (jinweiya@zjut.edu.cn)

 >>Probabilistic Failure Assessment

  Prof. Shun-Peng Zhu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (zspeng2007@uestc.edu.cn)

  Prof. José A.F.O. Correia, University of Porto (jacorreia@fe.up.pt)


  Dr. Carol Johnston, TWI Ltd (carol.johnston@twi.co.uk)

  Prof. Jian-Feng Shi, Zhejiang University (shijianfeng@zju.edu.cn)

 >>Residual Stresses

  Prof. Mike Smith, University of Manchester (mike.c.smith@manchester.ac.uk)

 >>Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Components

  Prof. Sheng-Chuan Wu, Southwest Jiaotong University (wusc@swjtu.edu.cn)

 >>Very High Cycle Fatigue

  Prof. Jonathan Cormier, Pprime Institute France (jonathan.cormier@ensma.fr)



The attendance fees are as follows (Please note that all fees must be paid prior to the event dates):

  1-Day Attendance 4-Day Attendance
Non FESI Member £440 + VAT £649+ VAT
FESI Member £352 + VAT £517 + VAT
Retiree/Student/Unemployed £180 + VAT £250 + VAT
Plenary Speaker £176 + VAT £259 + VAT



The mornings of 23, 24 and 25 May will consist of Plenary Sessions, the speakers of which will include:

Prof. Janice Barton (University of Bristol) Structural Integrity Assessment 4.0: the pathway to validated virtual testing of composite structures
Prof. Feargal Brennan (University of Strathclyde) Offshore wind structural integrity challenges and opportunities
Prof. Alexander Korsunsky (University of Oxford) Hierarchical-statistical approach to the analysis of strain and residual stress effects in structural integrity
Dr. Amanda Quadling (UKAEA) Materials challenges and early solutions towards engineered structural integrity in magnetic confinement fusion devices
Prof. Philippa Reed (University of Southampton) Crack growth arrest mechanisms during oxidation-fatigue in additively manufactured and directionally solidified nickel base superalloys
Dr. Andrew Wisbey (Jacobs) Future role of structural integrity testing facilities
Prof. Wei-Hua Zhang (Southwest Jiaotong University) Topic theory, experiment, and application on the safety improvement of high-speed trains
Prof. Jin-Yang Zheng (Zhejiang University) Hydrogen facilities and safety
... ...



Over the ISSI2023–ESIA17 joint conference, CSIC and FESI will offer a prize for the Best Poster of £100, Best Presentation of £150, and the Keith Miller Award (Best Student Presentation) of £200, to recognise excellence of research and communication.



There is the opportunity for organisations to sponsor the conference. This will enable the organisation logo to be displayed in the final programme, website and associated literature.    This is a good opportunity to raise your organisation's profile across the wider technical community.

The sponsorship fees are as follows:

Sponsorship Option

Non FESI Member

FESI Member


£3,000 + VAT

£2,000 + VAT

Exhibition Table

£1,500 + VAT

£1,000 + VAT

Conference Dinner

£3,000 + VAT

£2,000 + VAT

Drinks Reception

£1,500 + VAT

£1,000 + VAT

Please contact the FESI Office (sue.lowe@fesi.org.uk) to register an interest in sponsorship.



 January 27, 2023

 Deadline for submission of abstracts

 February 28, 2023

 Abstract acceptance date



 Sue Lowe

 FESI (UK Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity)

 Suite 9, Derby House Chambers, Lytham Road, Fulwood,

 Preston PR2 8JE, United Kingdom

 T: +44 (0)7767643427          Email: sue.lowe@fesi.org.uk

 Jian-Feng Wen

 CSIC (China Structural Integrity Consortium)

 East China University of Science and Technology

 130 Meilong Road, Mailbox 402, Shanghai 200237, China

 T: +86 (21) 64251894            Email: jfwen@ecust.edu.cn


Registration and further details of the conference can be found on the FESI website: https://www.fesi.org.uk/events/esia17-issi2023/